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Responsible, Caring, Fearless & Secure

Welcome to Oak Class

Oak tree guide: different species, how long they live and why oak trees are  crucial for our ecosystem - Discover Wildlife

A huge welcome to Oak class. I hope you are excited about the beginning of the school year and your child’s journey. Below are a few helpful reminders to make this year as successful as possible:

P.E: P.E. is on Tuesday afternoon.  Please bring your child to school in P.E. clothes each week. 

Reading: Reading is an important part of a child's development and without it, children would struggle in life. We are here to make sure that all our children get the best education and develop a love for and of reading. All children will have a book to read for pleasure. In addition, Reception children will also receive a phonics book according to their reading level.  (If you would like further information about how you can support your child with their development of phonics and reading, please do not hesitate to contact me). 

Books are sent out on Friday, to be returned on Wednesday. Please comment and sign the reading record every week as this will mean your child's name will be added to our 'Reading Raffle', and they could win a book to take home. 

Homework: at RCFS we allow our children time to settle into their new classroom environment and get used to being in school all day. This means that homework is not sent home until after October half-term. Homework will then be sent home once a week, also on a Friday, to be returned each Wednesday. 

Music Curriculum: Each week, on a Monday, we have a dedicated music teacher, Mr Cooper, visit us and teach our children music. This is a fun way for children to learn and develop. 

Forest school: As you are aware, we are well on our way to becoming an accredited Forest School. As part of the children's learning and development, we will be spending lots of time outdoors; exploring and learning different skills. Forest school sessions take place weekly, on a Tuesday, but this does not mean that this is the only time the children will be learning outside.

For further information on outside learning, please click here.

For forest school information please click here

If you have any questions or would like any more information, please do not hesitate to ask.

Best wishes,
Mrs Alyassin and the Early Years Team