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Responsible, Caring, Fearless & Secure

A very warm welcome to Rowan class. This year, the children will have new opportunities to learn and grow within a mixed class and to begin our amazing Forest School journey. There will be lots of fun and exciting learning to do this year and I look forward to supporting your child. Below are a few helpful reminders to make this year as successful as possible:

PE: P.E. lessons will be every Wednesday.  P.E. kits must include suitable footwear (plain black trainers or plimsolls), a school white PE t-shirt (or plain white with no logo) and red shorts or plain black track suit bottoms (in the winter). Please ensure your child wears the correct PE kit in school for their PE day.

Homework: Every Friday, your child will receive reading, maths, SPAG and timetable homework, which will need to be returned on Monday. If homework is not completed, children will be asked to complete it for part of their breaks. It is important that Year 5 children are prepared for secondary school.

Spellings: Spellings will be handed out in their homework and tested in the week. Spellings will include a combination of the Year 5/4 words and words containing key spelling patterns. They may also be set key words from the current topic being studied.  Children will be tested on these on Thursdays. Scores will come home with the children.

Reading: Children should read daily for 20-30 minutes. Your child should write a very short summary of what they have read and the pages that they have read. Your child’s reading record and book should be brought to school every Monday and Thursday to be checked by me.

Forest School: We will be commencing forest school in the Autumn term. Please provide your child with waterproof bottoms, coat or an all-in-one and wellington boots.

For further information on school uniform, please click here.

Thank you for your on-going support.  Should you have any other questions or concerns, or simply wish to discuss your child’s learning, please make an appointment to see me through the office staff.

Kind regards, 
Mrs J Johnston